The Queen Of Potty-Mouthed Blogging

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The Queen Of Potty-Mouthed Blogging

Anyone who knows me realizes that I have a lot of opinions about the world — and I’m not afraid to share them. I used to write articles, but I’ve taking to the world of blogging like a fish to water, and I may have gone a little overboard. I have 5 different weekly blogs — Monday is about getting organized, Tuesday is the full-time RVing lifestyle, Wednesday is for living child-free, Thursday is set aside for a “my fascist state” rant about some moronic aspect of modern life that needs to be changed — and Friday is dedicated to helping you simplify your life. Come inside, read, subscribe, and be sure to share your own opinions…

who want to read in-depth discussions of meaningful issues (no top 10 list folks)

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