Before I built a wall, I'd ask what I was walling in or out. (R. Frost) — And what the wall was made of. Hate? Worry? Fear? (Ramona) #quote
Success is never final and failure never fatal. (G. Tilton) — Unless you fail at skydiving! (Ramona) #quote
Nothing I do is too tiny or too tedious to be spiritual. (A. Schaef) — Even washing the dishes and doing the laundry! (Ramona) #quote
I love my country too much to be a nationalist. (A. Camus) — Real patriotism is wanting what's right, not what's popular. (Ramona) #quote
It's not big pleasures that count most. It's making a big deal of the little ones. (J. Webster) — Ardor always trumps size! (Ramona) #quote
The things you own end up owning you. (Fight Club) — So the less you buy, the fewer masters you must answer to. (Ramona) #quote
It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself. (American Beauty) — Every single day! (Ramona) #quote
One does not discover new lands without losing sight of shore for a long time. (A. Gide) — Just be sure to take a compass. (Ramona) #quote
The basic test of freedom is less what we are free to do than what we are free not to do. (E. Hoffer) — Freedom to or from? (Ramona) #quote
It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else. (E. Bombeck) — And even more to ignore their criticism. (Ramona) #quote