Do exactly what you would do if you felt most secure. (J. Eckhart) — Either choose to wait for safety or start living. (Ramona) #quote
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. (L. Brown) — You can either build walls or knock them down. Your choice. (Ramona) #quote
Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly, until you learn to do it well. (Z. Ziglar) — And have fun, even if you suck! (Ramona) #quote
He who leads and has no one following him is only taking a walk. (Unknown) — But with others beside you, it's an adventure. (Ramona) #quote
Stress is the desire to get things done and the fear of not getting them done. (C. Titmuss) — Trade fear for commitment! (Ramona) #quote
Eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside. (M. Twain) — A gastronomic cage-match between chocolate and kale. (Ramona) #quote
We don't see things as they are, but as we are. (A. Nin) — To see differently, you must travel beyond your own horizon. (Ramona) #quote
Our economy is built on human weakness, bad habits, and insecurity. (W. Ferguson) — No reason to shop when you're content. (Ramona) #quote
Life is a big canvas. Throw all the paint on it you can. (D. Kaye) — I'm off to get my brush and make a glorious mess! (Ramona) #quote
You must continue to gain expertise, but avoid thinking like an expert. (D. Waitley) — Think like a philosopher instead. (Ramona) #quote