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If you look at the activities entrepreneurs are most often behind on completing, they’re usually related to accounting. (I blame the fact that it’s a tedious and time-consuming task, lacking the reward of additional income.) I’m not sure if balancing our books is scary because it seems complicated, or because we’re afraid of the bottom…
Click here for reuse options!Is your bathroom a wreck? Crap all over the counter, cabinets overflowing, and drawers a jumbled mish-mosh of who-knows-what-the-heck-you-have-thrown-in-there? How about we get you organized and make some better use of your space, shall we? Focus On Your Grooming Routine The most important items in your bathroom are those that you utilize every day or…
Click here for reuse options!When you live in one place, you normally have homeowner’s insurance that covers your physical dwelling, its contents, and your personal liability when someone is on your property. But when you live on the road, the issue of protecting your assets becomes a wee bit more complicated. A Comprehensive Solution Will your auto insurance cover…
Click here for reuse options!Stress in the workplace can make your 9-to-5 hours miserable. However, sometimes you don’t even know what’s causing the problem — something’s not right, but you can’t quite pinpoint it. Unless you’re an air traffic controller or your boss is a total jerk, job stress is usually caused by an inability to get organized and…
Click here for reuse options!With the year’s travels coming to a close, we can’t help but think about the great adventures we’ve been on, the people we’ve met, the RVers who have joined our community, and the excitement ahead. This week, our conversation led us to check in with full-time Airstreamer Ramona Creel regarding how she reflects on the…
Click here for reuse options!Organizing paper files is a task that will inspire even the most anal-retentive individual to procrastinate. (I know this from personal experience!) I call it “paperphobia” — the fear of having to deal with filing the stacks on your desk/countertop. While this can be a debilitating disease if not addressed in a timely manner —…
Click here for reuse options!So often we begin our journeys toward health with lofty goals and high ambitions. Because life on the road can be so unpredictable, it’s easy to have these health-focused intentions yet struggle to find the balance of relaxing while still caring for our bodies. We consulted full-time Airstreamer (and organizer/coach) Ramona Creel to gain her…
Click here for reuse options!In case you missed it, we’re in the middle of a “taking the leap” series with full-time Airstreamer Ramona Creel, about all those stops along the road to year-round RV travel! A few weeks ago we heard from her on best practices and steps for organizing/planning your declaration of domicile. Today, Ramona is sharing on…
Click here for reuse options!Regardless if you are a travel pro or new to Airstreaming, our resident organizer and full-timing expert Ramona Creel is here to help you navigate the ‘Live Riveted’ life! This week, we checked in with her to ask her advice on some of the best camping, travel, and RV web resources out there. How has…
Click here for reuse options!Full-time RVer and organizer Ramona Creel is back again, sharing even more of her top web resources for Airstreamers! Check out her advice below as you plan your next season of travel adventure! How do you stay connected while you travel? When you hit the road as an RVer, the shift can be a tad…
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