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Is your child having trouble learning? Difficulty focusing, completing homework, participating in class? There’s a direct correlation between how organized a student is and how well they do in school. If your kid is struggling, the first step is to take a look at the tools you’re providing to develop good organizing skills. Set Up…
Click here for reuse options!It seems that these days, everyone is talking about how to be kinder to our environment — reducing waste, consuming fewer resources, leaving a smaller overall footprint. Environmentalism isn’t just for tree huggers, anymore. (A fact that RVers have known for decades!) What It Means To Be Green Since the phrase “reduce, reuse, and recycle”…
Click here for reuse options!A disordered jewelry drawer is not only annoying, it can actually cost you money — as your valuable fashion accessories become scratched and damaged, all jumbled together in a pile. Protect your investment and make your morning getting-ready easier with these organizing tips. Easy-Access Jewelry No matter how much you try to mix it up,…
Click here for reuse options!Ever since 9/11, the crossing of any international border has become more challenging and time consuming — but the tightening of regulations at the Canadian/US border has taken a lot of RVers by surprise. It Pays To Plan Ahead On my last trip up the east coast, I met one couple in northern Maine who…
Click here for reuse options!Are you interested in the ‘live riveted” ‘streaming lifestyle? We asked full-time Airstreamer Ramona Creel (who is also a fabulous organizer and year-round traveler) to share her tips on how to become an RVer. Today, we’re sorting through (pun intended) the ever-present question — how will I get my mail? How does mail forwarding work?…
Click here for reuse options!Today we’re talking with Airstreamer and organizer Ramona Creel. When folks find out that Ramona travels full-time while she works, they always want to grill her about how she makes money. So today, she’s going to talk to us about work that any full-timer can do on the road. Have you ever done any workamping?…
Click here for reuse options!No one likes thinking about the bad things that can happen in life — getting sick or hurt, the death of a loved one, having a disaster destroy everything you own. And while organized paperwork won’t lessen the shock/grief of an emergency, it can help you get your life back on track quicker and easier….
Click here for reuse options!Anyone who talks about the paperless office becoming a reality any time soon may want to think again! No matter how much you reduce your pulp consumption, computers will never completely eliminate the need for hard copies of certain documents. And the gigantic irony is that paper usage hasn’t decreased as electronic data takes over…
Click here for reuse options!Summer may mean endless months of vacation for your kids — but life is a bit different for us adults. Work doesn’t just stop from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and you have to find a way to get your job done in between the trips and summer holiday celebrations. It’s hard to stay on…
Click here for reuse options!If you have seen our “Winter Wednesday” photos on Facebook then you know that for many of our RVers, the winter months bring new travel adventures. As the temperature drops, we touched base with full-time Airstreamer Ramona Creel to find out her top tips for organized, worry-free, and comfortable winter living. Have you experienced cold…
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