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And A Good Wet-Your-Pants Laugh) / Smead Organomics / As Published In Smead Organomics --
Eliminating Time Wasters
If you ask a group of people to define “time management,” they’ll probably talk about “getting it all done in less time,” “increasing productivity,” “crossing items off of a list,” that sort of thing. However, the best time organizing tips don’t involve cramming more and more into your day — they’re about learning to focus on those activities that are most meaningful to you, and letting go of the rest.
Efficiency is about getting work done quickly — effectiveness means completing a job that matters. Think about a day spent on a boring chore (like checking e-mail). You might empty your in-box, yet still feel dissatisfied with the accomplishment — because it isn’t a task near and dear to your heart. You can run as fast as you want — but if you’re going in the wrong direction, you still won’t end up where you intended.
How much of your life is spent on “time wasters” — activities that do nothing to enhance your quality of life, and actually prevent you from accomplishing more important goals? You know you’ve been seduced by a time waster when you find yourself:
The good news is that it’s easy to change these mindless habits and take control of your day — all it takes is a conscious choice to spend your time differently, and a little advance planning:
Just a few simple changes will free up hours of time in your schedule each week — now be sure you put them to good use. Block off time in your schedule for those important projects, and don’t allow anything to interrupt you. If you’re asked to do something else during that time slot, you can’t — because you already have another appointment. (You do — with yourself!)
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