Most people fear tax time because they dread having to gather up all that paperwork — certain that they will overlook something vital and mess up their bottom line. Reduce your worries by following this step-by-step organizing checklist as you begin to prepare your return.
Begin With General Information
- number of dependents — children under age 18, college students, others you support financially
- social security numbers for each family member
- tax return and supporting documents from the previous year
- tax preparation instructions for the current tax year
- proof of IRA contributions for the year
Count Up Your Charitable Deductions
- add up your mileage driving to and from volunteer activities
- tally other volunteer expenses (items bought with your money and used in your charitable duties)
- figure out your total cash donations (list the organization, donation date, and amount for each)
- add up all qualified in-kind donations (non-cash goods & services) to approved charities
- count mileage to drop off donations
- gather receipts for all donations — $500 or more (cash or in-kind) requires special documentation
- double check the IRS rules before deducting
If You Have Children
- get your paid childcare provider’s tax ID and social security number
- you may be able to count expenses as a deduction (nanny, babysitters, after school programs)
- if you have adopted a child, you may be able to count adoption expenses
- you may be able to deduct education expenses andstudent loans
Proof Of Income
- W-2 forms from employers
- 1099 forms from self-employment and contract work
- alimony received
- unemployment compensation
- business or farm earnings
- income from partnerships or trusts
- income from real estate
- federal, state, and local income tax refunds
- income from pensions and annuities
- interest/dividend income from investments, savings accounts
- prize money won
Other Miscellaneous Deductions
- you may be able to count your tax return preparation costs as a deduction
- if you are divorced, tally up any alimony paid
- medical and dental expenses (if you are eligible for a medical deduction)
- mortgage interest paid on your personal or rental properties
- moving costs (if your relocation is eligible for a deduction
- unreimbursed employment expenses (travel, lodging, supplies)
- taxes paid that year
If You Own A Business
- supply and equipment expenses (you may have to depreciate large equipment expenses)
- home office expenses — plus the allotted portion of your household utilities and rent/mortgage
- mileage and other business travel expenses (meals, hotel, parking)
- marketing (advertising, networking event attendance, printing, mailing)
- administrative and outsourcing costs
- payroll and employment expenses
- sales tax paid
- payroll and employment expenses
- professional development and continuing ed (classes, workshops, manuals)
- automobile loan or lease if the car is used exclusively or primarily for business
- other professional and business expenses
Talk To Your CPA
This information is not meant to replace qualified legal advice. You may not be eligible for all of these deductions — but a CPA can tell you which deductions to take, and advise you as to any limits on your deductions. Always have a qualified CPA prepare or review your return to prevent errors.
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