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Getting any space in order requires three important components — the right mindset, the right system, and the right tools. Let’s take a second to look at what each part of the process entails. The Right Mindset The right mindset is an open one — a headspace where you’re willing to rethink beliefs and behaviors…
Click here for reuse options!It doesn’t matter whether you’re a mom trying to keep track of your kid’s classmates, soccer schedule, and P.T.A. activities — or if you’re struggling to stay on top of your company’s products, vendors, customers, and staff at work. You need a desktop organization system for it all! What Is A Fingertip File? While you…
Click here for reuse options!A balanced household budget is something that all people need, but few actually have. Budgets are great for showing you the money leaks in your life. (If you want to frighten someone whose finances are out of control, suggest that they tally up their income and expenses!) But don’t worry — the process doesn’t have…
Click here for reuse options!When you tell someone that you’re an RVer, most folks say, “Wow, that must be a great life!” But they’re usually only looking at it from a “you-get-to-travel-all-the-time” perspective — not the “simplifying-your-life-and-reducing-stress” angle. And in doing so, they often misunderstand our reasons for giving up a stationary life in favor of the road. The…
Click here for reuse options!Back in the day, organizing a party meant catering, hiring staff, place cards, and worrying about seating charts — fortunately, the modern shindig is a much more relaxed affair. Invitations are sent via e-mail or passed on verbally, it’s entirely acceptable to have guests contribute to the meal (and no one concerns themselves with which…
Click here for reuse options!‘Live Riveted’ is about adventure, travel, the freedom to see and experience the world as you wish — tiny living embraces the realization that memories stick far closer to our hearts than the material possessions we accumulate along the way. We talked to full-time Airstreamer and Professional Organizer/Simplicity Coach Ramona Creel to gain her insight…
Click here for reuse options!When I decided to hit the road, a friend of mine bought me a copy of The Long, Long, Trailer as a joke (and possibly also because I look a bit like Lucille Ball). As I recently passed my anniversary of becoming full-time RVer, I went back to watch the film again — and noticed…
Click here for reuse options!Bank, credit card, and investment statements seem to frustrate and confound people more than any other filing. It’s hard to know how to handle financial paperwork, how long to keep it, or the best way to store it. And to add insult to injury, the consequences for mishandling these documents can be pretty severe. So…
Click here for reuse options!How many times have you thought about decluttering/organzing your home — then been scared away by the size of the task? You’re not alone! We all keep things that we don’t need and don’t use. But the key to cleaning out is moving past indecisiveness — a few “reality check” questions will help you stop…
Click here for reuse options!Everyone’s got a junk drawer. (Well, except for me — because I live in a 29-foot Airstream and only have two drawers in my home, one for silverware and one for utensils. But you get what I mean.) And there’s nothing wrong with that — as long as it’s organized. The Value Of A “Miscellaneous”…
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