When you tell someone that you’re an RVer, most folks say, “Wow, that must be a great life!” But they’re usually only looking at it from a “you-get-to-travel-all-the-time” perspective — not the “simplifying-your-life-and-reducing-stress” angle. And in doing so, they often misunderstand our reasons for giving up a stationary life in favor of the road.
The Bigger Picture
My decision to become a full-timer was only partly about the travel — my larger goal was to downsize and simplify, letting go of all the unnecessary trappings and stresses and expectations of modern life. I’ve always been a “minimalist” at heart, but it took moving into a 29-foot Airstream to REALLY teach me what simplicity was all about! Full-timing allowed me to drastically reduce the money, time and energy I spent maintaining my living environment — and put more of my efforts into enjoying life. Let me share the joys of voluntarily simplifying through full-timing:
- no homeowner’s association fees or restrictive covenants to abide by
- even when the power goes out, you still have a working stove and refrigerator
- your carbon footprint is a fraction of the typical American’s
- if you don’t like your neighbors, all you have to do is pick up and move
- there’s no reason to ever suffer through a blazing-hot summer or winter blizzard again
- you’re less likely to accumulate clutter with 200 square feet of living/storage space
- you never worry about forgetting something on a trip — all your stuff goes with you
- you have access to a swimming pool and Jacuzzi that you don’t have to maintain
- you use less of everything — water, electricity, gas, TP, you name it
- you’ll never have to hire “help” to keep your house in order
- you can spend time with all your different sets of friends/family all around the country
- you get to try a variety of fresh regional fruits and veggies, in–season and locally-grown
- your license plate is almost always a conversation starter
- you have no excuse for saying, “I wanted to visit there but never got around to it”
- you can have a different view out your window anytime you want
- when company visits, it takes about 15 minutes to “clean” your house
- you never have to cut the grass or clean the gutters
- the biggest “foundation repair” you have to consider is a blown tire
- the chances of your home ever “flooding” because of a plumbing problem are slim to none
- home maintenance costs pennies compared to a house or apartment
- no property taxes and no mortgage payments
- you don’t have to pay state income tax if you choose the right place to “domicile”
- you get to say something most Americans can’t — that you own your home outright
- food rarely has time to go bad in the fridge, when you only store a week’s worth at a time
- your monthly RV park fee plus hookups is less than half of most folks’ rent without utilities
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OK, so I may be a little biased, but I found this both informative and insightful! Thanks for visiting us in JC, and thanks for the bloggage..
Bob Wheeler
President & CEO
Airstream, Inc.
Well done! This is one of the most professionally written, complaint-free, inspired blogs I’ve seen in a long time.
I didn’t know that each Airstream was still hand-made. Makes me even prouder to own my ’78 Safari.